When a client comes in for a massage, he or she has many questions on how they can make it the best experience possible. The professional, friendly and well-trained therapists at Armonia spa are here to offer you an enjoyable and relaxing atmosphere to begin on the journey of spiritual awakening. If getting one treatment from a single masseuse can be amazing, imagine receiving a four hands massage. The two care providers work in sync with each other making you feel pampered and completely at ease with your surroundings.
Getting a massage is all about having positive energy around you and when receiving a four hands massage, you will drift into a meditative mood forgetting all your worries. The therapists often use the client’s body just like a blank canvas and proceeds to paint their own masterpiece on it. This method is just like a slow choreographed dance with four hands moving from one pressure point to the next. This treatment needs the time and effort of two people and hence is not offered in most spas. We welcome you to come to Armonia spa which is one of the select centers where you can receive a professional four hands massage. The client can choose between a one-hour or 90-minute session.
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